Western District Moon Phases
Set at 1:01 am, Rise at 4:45 pm
12:57 am4:41 pmWarrnamboolSet at 12:57 am, Rise at 4:41 pm
12:56 am4:37 pmCamperdownSet at 12:56 am, Rise at 4:37 pm
1:03 am4:43 pmHeywoodSet at 1:03 am, Rise at 4:43 pm
1:04 am4:41 pmCastertonSet at 1:04 am, Rise at 4:41 pm
1:02 am4:39 pmHamiltonSet at 1:02 am, Rise at 4:39 pm
12:59 am4:39 pmPenshurstSet at 12:59 am, Rise at 4:39 pm
- Bahgallah
- Ballangeich
- Balmoral
- Battersby Campground
- Bay of Islands
- Bay of Martyrs
- Berrybank
- Bessiebelle
- Blacknose Point
- Bochara
- Bolwarra
- Bookaar
- Boorcan
- Bostocks Creek
- Bowds Canoe Campground
- Bradvale
- Branxholme
- Breakaway Creek
- Bridgewater Bay
- Bridgewater Lakes
- Brit Brit
- Broadwater
- Broken Head
- Brucknell
- Buandik Campground
- Buckley Creek Entrance
- Buckley Swamp
- Budj Bim Campground
- Bulart
- Bullaharre
- Bushfield
- Buttress Point
- Byaduk
- Byaduk North
- Camperdown
- Camperdown Racecourse
- Cape Bridgewater
- Cape Duquesne
- Cape Montesqieu
- Cape Nelson
- Cape Nelson Lighthouse
- Cape Reamur
- Cape Sir William Grant
- Cape Volney
- Caramut
- Carapook
- Carpendeit
- Cashmore
- Casterton
- Casterton Racecourse
- Cavendish
- Chapple Vale
- Chatsworth
- Chatsworth Airport
- Childers Cove
- Chocolyn
- Clifton Beach
- Clover Flat
- Cobden
- Cobden Airport
- Cobrico
- Codrington
- Coleraine
- Coleraine Racecourse
- Condah
- Condah Swamp
- Coojar
- Cooriemungle
- Corndale
- Cowleys Creek
- Cressy
- Crofts Bay
- Crossley
- Croxton East
- Cudgee
- Cundare North
- Curdies Inlet
- Curdies River
- Curdievale
- Darlington
- Dartmoor
- Deakin University Warrnambool
- Deep Lake
- Dennington
- Derrinallum
- Descartes Bay
- Devils Kitchen Campground
- Digby
- Discovery Bay
- Dixie
- Dog Trap Bay
- Dreeite
- Dreeite South
- Drik Drik
- Drumborg
- Dundonnell
- Dunkeld
- Dunkeld Racecourse
- Dunrobin
- Dutton Way
- Duverney
- Fergusons Beach
- Fitzroy River Entrance
- Forest Camp North Campground
- Forest Camp South Campground
- Foxhow
- Framlingham
- Framlingham East
- Garvoc
- Gatum
- Gazette
- Gellibrand Lower
- Gellibrand River Entrance
- Georges Rest Canoe Campground
- Gerrigerrup
- Gibson Beach
- Glenelg River Entrance
- Glenelg River Offshore
- Glenfyne
- Glenisla
- Glenormiston North
- Glenormiston South
- Gnotuk
- Gorae
- Gorae West
- Grampians
- Grant Bay
- Grassdale
- Grassmere
- Green Island
- Greenwald
- Griffith Island
- Gringegalgona
- Gritjurk
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Airport
- Hamilton Racecourse
- Hawkesdale
- Heathmere
- Hensley Park
- Henty
- Hexham
- Heytesbury Lower
- Heywood
- Hilgay
- Homerton
- Hopkins River Entrance
- Hotspur
- Hutchessons Campground
- Kanawalla
- Karabeal
- Kariah
- Keillers Beach
- Kennedys Creek
- Killara
- Killarney
- Killarney Beach
- Kirkstall
- Knebsworth
- Koallah
- Kolora
- Konongwootong
- Koroit
- Laang
- Lady Bay
- Lady Julia Percy Island
- Lake Condah
- Lake Corangamite
- Lake Keilambete
- Lake Monibeong Campground
- Lake Mundi
- Lake Surprise
- Larralea
- Lasletts Canoe Campground
- Lawrence Rocks
- Leslie Manor
- Levys Beach
- Lindsay
- Lismore
- Little River Beach
- Loch Ard Gorge
- Logans Beach
- London Arch
- Lyons
- Macarthur
- Mailors Flat
- McLennans Punt Campground
- Melville Forest
- Mepunga
- Mepunga East
- Mepunga West
- Merino
- Merri Island
- Merri River Entrance
- Middle Island
- Milltown
- Mingay
- Minhamite
- Minjah
- Mirranatwa
- Moleside Canoe Campground
- Moonlight Beach
- Moonlight Head
- Mooralla
- Morgiana
- Mortlake
- Mortlake Racecourse
- Mount Bute
- Mount Elephant
- Mount Leura
- Mount Napier
- Mount Richmond
- Mount Warrnambool
- Moutajup
- Moyne River Entrance
- Mumbannar
- Muntham
- Murrells Beach
- Mutton Bird Island
- Myamyn
- Nalangil
- Nangeela
- Nareeb
- Nareen
- Naringal
- Naringal East
- Naroghid
- Narrapumelap South
- Narrawong
- Nelson
- Nelson Bay
- Nelson Ocean Beach
- Newfield
- Newfold Bay
- Nirranda
- Nirranda East
- Nirranda South
- Noorat
- Noorat East
- Nullawarre
- Nuns Beach
- Paaratte
- Panmure
- Paschendale
- Pattersons Canoe Campground
- Pea Soup Beach
- Penshurst
- Peterborough
- Peterborough Airport
- Pigeon Ponds
- Pines Landing Canoe Campground
- Pirron Yallock
- Point Danger
- Point Hesse
- Point Reginald
- Point Ronald
- Pomborneit
- Pomborneit East
- Pomborneit North
- Port Campbell
- Port Campbell Bay
- Port Campbell Creek Entrance
- Port Campbell Offshore
- Port Fairy
- Port Fairy Airport
- Port Fairy Bay
- Port Fairy East Beach
- Port Fairy Golf Club
- Port Fairy Offshore
- Portland
- Portland Airport
- Portland Bay
- Portland Bay Marina
- Portland Harbour
- Portland North
- Portland Offshore
- Portland West
- Princess Margaret Rose Caves Campground
- Princetown
- Princetown Beach
- Pritchards Landing Campground
- Purdeet
- Purnim
- Purnim West
- Red Gum Landing Campground
- Reef Point
- Ripponhurst
- Rivernook Beach
- Rocklands Reservoir
- Rosebrook
- Rutledge Creek Entrance
- Ryans Den Campground
- Sandford
- Scotts Creek
- Shelley Beach
- Shelly Beach
- Sherbrook River Entrance
- Simpson
- Sisters Point
- Skibo
- Skipworth Springs Canoe Campground
- South Purrumbete
- Southcombe Beach
- Southern Cross
- St Helens
- Stanhope Bay
- Stanhope Bay Offshore
- Stonyford
- Strachans Campground
- Strathdownie
- Strathkellar
- Sturgess Point
- Surrey River Entrance
- Surry Ridge Campground
- Swan Lake Campground
- Swan Marsh
- Tabor
- Tahara
- Tahara Bridge
- Tahara West
- Tandarook
- Taroon
- Tarrayoukyan
- Tarrenlea
- Tarrington
- Tarrone
- Taylors Beach
- Tea Tree Bay
- Terang
- Terang Racecourse
- Tesbury
- The Arch
- The Cove
- The Haystack
- The Sisters
- Thunder Point
- Timboon
- Timboon West
- Toolong
- Tower Hill
- Twelve Apostles Marine Park
- Tyrendarra
- Tyrendarra East
- Waarre
- Wallacedale
- Wando Bridge
- Wando Vale
- Wangoom
- Wannon
- Wannon Crossing Campground
- Warrabkook
- Warrayure
- Warrnambool
- Warrnambool Airport
- Warrnambool Beach
- Warrnambool Golf Club
- Warrnambool Offshore
- Warrnambool Pier
- Warrnambool Racing Club
- Warrnambool Riverside Holiday Park
- Warrnambool Showgrounds
- Warrong
- Wattle Hill
- Weerite
- Western Speedway
- Whalers Point
- Wild Dog Beach
- Wild Dog Bend Campground
- Willatook
- Willowvale
- Wilson Hall Campground
- Winnap
- Winslow
- Woodford
- Woodhouse
- Woohlpooer
- Wool Wool
- Woolsthorpe
- Woorndoo
- Wootong Vale
- Wreck Beach
- Wrights Campground